5 Missions, 2 Institutions, one SePUM convene for the historical first midyear meeting

Pastor Danielo Palomares, President of the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM), chaired the first-ever Midyear Meeting of this new inter-regional Adventist headquarters on June 3. The meeting occurred at the Upper Room Fellowship Center (URFC) of Adventist Hospital Davao (AHD) in Bangkal, Davao City.
Dr. Jonathan Toero Casio, the new President of AHD, has offered URFC the opportunity to host the future union leaders’ forum. He is also being commended for procuring a new vehicle and repainting the hospital building in preparation for AHD’s 27th Anniversary on June 6.
The entire SePUM force is present. Alongside Pr. Palomares, Pr. Edwin Magdadaro, Executive Secretary, and Sir Lawrence Lamera, Treasurer, our department directors and staff warmly welcomed every delegate.
Presidents gathered with their fellow administrators, executive secretaries, and treasurers at a historical mid-year regional meeting. Pastor Reynaldo Merin led the Davao Mission (DM) delegation, while Pastor Seth Suan led the Northern Davao Mission (DM) administration. Additionally, the South Central Mindanao Mission (SCMM) was represented by their President, Pastor Welnie Miado. Pastor Jemsly Lantaya spearheaded the Southeastern Caraga Mission (SeCM) delegation, and the Southern Mindanao Mission (SMM), the oldest mission in this territory, was represented by their team led by President Nildo Mamac.
South Philippine Adventist College administrators and the Adventist Hospital Davao also graced the event.
As representatives appointed by God, the delegates prioritized agendas based on the needs of the churches and missions. They discussed ways and means to address these needs, such as land banking for new church buildings, constructing buildings on existing church-owned lots, renovating dilapidated structures, and expanding places of worship to accommodate the growing membership.
The plenary also approved appointments, travel authorizations, employment qualifications, and other vital matters to benefit the denomination and qualified individuals.
The esteemed organizational headquarters recognized South Philippine Adventist College for producing new graduates and five new Certified Public Accountants. Additionally, the unified SePUM demonstrated its strength with an increasing number of baptisms in the 230 districts across the entire territory, which is evidence of God’s guidance in these last days. As of May this year, the statistics on baptisms have already reached 20,488, which is 68% of the target number, and more conversions are expected with the help of every son or daughter of God, enabling total membership involvement.
Every delegate was impressed by the SePUM’s presentation of the annual financial report. Sir Lamera highlighted the administration’s generosity towards missions, institutions, and churches, emphasizing its commitment to the union’s vision and mission. The administration prioritized allocations for evangelism and supporting every branch to yield positive results.
As a supplementation to God’s inspirations through the Bible, Ellen G. White wrote, “In all the Lord’s arrangements, there is nothing more beautiful than His plan of giving men and women a diversity of gifts. The church is His garden, adorned with various trees, plants, and flowers. He does not expect the hyssop to assume the proportions of the cedar nor the olive to reach the height of the stately palm. Many have received limited religious and intellectual training, but God has a work for this class to do if they will labor in humility, trusting in Him”. – Evangelism 98.3
“Diverse in mind, in ideas, one subject is to bind heart to heart—the conversion of souls to the truth, which draws all to the cross.”—Letter 31, 1892. (SePUM Communications)
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