Adventist Hospital Davao Pioneers PhilHealth’s “FREE KONSULTA PACKAGE” Among 12 Adventist Hospitals in the Philippines

By Universal Healthcare Law or Republic Act 11223, Adventist Hospital Davao (AHD) launched the Konsulta Package Program via a Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at the AHD Consultation Center on August 5. Dr. Jonathan Casio, an Adventist ordained pastor and experienced hospital administrator who’s passionate about serving people from all walks of life, led the ceremony.
AHD is the first among 12 Adventist hospitals in the Philippines and second in the Davao Region to implement Philhealth’s free consultation program. This program provides free medical check-ups and incorporates certain free drugs, medicines, pharmaceutical products, other devices, procedures, and services after a range of entitlements is determined at the AHD triage led by Dr. Vance Lass H. Casio, M.D.
After the hospital staff devotional, the motorcade, with a loudspeaker and public address system, roamed around the city to invite people from all walks of life to avail themselves of the efficient scheme of the government and AHD to nurture Filipinos’ well-being.
The Launching and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was inspiring with the presence of the President and hospital administrators like Dr. Edwin Garcia, Chief of Clinics; Dr. Mervin Marcos, Head of IM Department, Mr. Roy G. Perez, President of the Adventist International Health Services Philippines Inc., PhilHealth Representatives and a delegate of supportive Muslim leaders in Davao and nearby provinces. Happy to note that Adventists and Muslims have a strong commonality on “Halal”, foods allowed to be eaten based on the Bible and Qur’an.
PhilHealth, or Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, is mandating that all health service providers in the country, especially government and private hospitals, extend free medical services and allow every constituent to be attended to by medical professionals.
Members may log in at the PhilHealth Member Portal or Member Online Registration, choose ADVENTIST HOSPITAL DAVAO as the consultation facility, and get their Authorization Transaction Code (ATC).
As the program is open to church members and non-Adventists, you may visit the TRIAGE (facing the hospital from the highway; you will find white-painted small buildings near the EMERGENCY ROOM) and bring your ATC. The friendly team will eventually start the consultation, health screening, assessment, and prescribing of more appropriate procedures for the patient.
Though free diagnostic tests and medications are selected, a client may avail any of the following as part of the designed package, as follows: primary care services; diagnostic examinations like CBC with platelet count, urinalysis, fecalysis, sputum microscopy, fecal occult blood, pap smear, Lipid profiling, FBS, oral glucose tolerance test, ECG, chest x-ray, creatinine, HbA1c, anti-microbial medicines, fluids and electrolytes, and other medicines for anti-asthma, antipyretics, anti-dyslipidemia, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensives, anti-thrombotic and anti-histamines.
Please remember that not all medicines and services can be provided for free, but they should be within the package’s parameters. Since the consultation is free, the professional fees you should have paid will become a savings for you and your family.
You may call +63-912-7177-409 or (082) 297-2597 or visit their Facebook page at
“Christ feels the woes of every sufferer. When evil spirits rend a human frame, Christ feels the curse. When fever is burning up the life current, He feels the agony. And He is just as willing to heal the sick now as when He was personally on earth. Christ’s servants are His representatives, the channels for His working. He desires through them to exercise His healing power.” Lift Him Up, p. 258. (SePUM Communication)