Our Beliefs
What We Believe In
Seventh-day Adventists recognize the Bible as their sole creed and adhere to specific foundational beliefs that they consider to be the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
The beliefs outlined below reflect the church’s interpretation and articulation of Scriptural teachings. These statements are subject to revision during a General Conference session if the church, guided by the Holy Spirit, attains a more comprehensive understanding of biblical truths or discovers more precise language to convey the teachings of God’s Holy Word.

Holy Bible as the Ultimate Authority of God's Word
The Holy Bible, stand unparalleled as the sole source and ultimate authority of God’s Word, divinely inspired and free from error in its original form. [2 Timothy 3:16-17]
Serving as a special revelation, the Holy Bible offers insights into God’s will and character that surpass what can be discerned through nature alone.
Through its verbally inspired text, the Holy Scriptures communicate with us directly, guiding our daily lives and illuminating the path to understanding His divine will.
1. The Holy Scriptures
The Seventh-day Adventist Church holds the Holy Scriptures as the infallible revelation of God’s will and the foundation of all its beliefs. Read more.
2. The Trinity
Seventh-day Adventist Christians hold that one God exists as three co-eternal Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who are unified and eternal. Read more.
3. The Father
The Bible depicts God as a perfect, loving Father, who, in unity with the Son and Holy Spirit, forms the eternal Godhead and is embraced by Seventh-day Adventists as the all-knowing, benevolent creator. Read more.
4. The Son
Seventh-day Adventists believe that Jesus, the “Son of God” as mentioned in the Bible, shares the divine nature with God the Father, not as a created being but as fully God within the Godhead, serving as humanity’s advocate and High Priest to connect us with the Father.
Read more.
5. The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, fully God and the third person of the Trinity, guides believers to a closer relationship with Christ, connecting them with God the Father, and transforms lives to reflect Jesus, acting as God’s personal presence on earth. Read more.
6. The Creation
Seventh-day Adventists believe in the Genesis account of a six-day creation and first Sabbath, viewing it as an expression of God’s relational love and intelligent design, which informs their gratitude towards the Creator and understanding of human identity and divine purpose. Read more.
7. The Nature of Humanity
Seventh-day Adventists interpret the complexities and contradictions of human behavior through the Bible, which explains our origins, creation in God’s image, the loss of our original perfection, and God’s plan for redemption, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding our identity and actions. Read more.
8. The Great Controversy
The Bible frames life’s moral complexities within the “Great Controversy,” a spiritual battle between good and evil, where humanity’s choices are pivotal, illustrating that despite the world’s moral ambiguity, good will ultimately triumph over evil as part of God’s cosmic plan. Read more.
9. The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ
God’s plan for humanity’s redemption, as described in the Bible, centers on Jesus Christ—God and human—taking on humanity’s sins through His birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, and resurrection, providing a model of love and a path to reconciliation with God. Read more.
10. The Experience of Salvation
Experiencing salvation means accepting God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, which saves us from sin’s consequences, offers us peace about the future, and allows us to become God’s children, profoundly impacting our lives both now and eternally. Read more.
11. Growing in Christ
Accepting salvation transforms us into new creations no longer bound by sin, as we embark on a lifelong journey of sanctification, guided by the Holy Spirit, to grow in Christ and develop a character reflecting Jesus’s example. Read more.
12. The Church
The Church, according to Scripture and Seventh-day Adventist belief, transcends a physical building, embodying a family of believers in Christ, united in their mission to share the gospel and serve one another, with further insights drawn from biblical metaphors and teachings about its purpose and leadership. Read more.
13. The Remnant and its Mission
In the Bible, the “remnant” refers to those who remain steadfast in their faith during trials, especially the end-time believers who adhere to God’s commandments and Jesus’ teachings, signifying a faithful group poised for a pivotal role before Christ’s Second Coming. Read more.
14. Unity in the Body of Christ
The Seventh-day Adventist Church, a global community embracing diverse cultures and languages, strives for unity in diversity, working collectively to share Jesus’ gospel worldwide, reflecting the biblical model of unity exemplified by Jesus and His disciples. Read more.

Cultivating Christlike Character through Spiritual Growth
The path of spiritual maturity begins with salvation, leading us to a deeper communion with Christ through prayer, scripture engagement, and fellowship.
This journey is marked by the development of spiritual fruits, indicative of our ongoing transformation and deepening bond with God. [Galatians 5:22-23]

Baptism as a Declaration of Commitment and Rebirth
Baptism stands as a profound public affirmation of faith, where immersion in water symbolizes a transformative rebirth—leaving behind an old life of sin to rise anew in righteousness.
It’s a deliberate act reserved for individuals who understand and embrace its deep significance, committing to a life that reflects the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. [Matthew 28:18-20]
15. The Baptism
Seventh-day Adventists practice baptism by immersion, mirroring Jesus Christ’s baptism, as a public declaration of accepting Him as Savior and symbolizing participation in His death and resurrection, signifying the believer’s commitment and the forgiveness of sins. Read more.
16. The Lord's Supper
Seventh-day Adventist Christians observe the Lord’s Supper, a profound yet simple act of unity and worship, reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice through symbols like bread, wine, and footwashing, welcoming all believers to participate in this commemoration of His unmatchable love. Read more.
17. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries
Our diverse talents, endowed by God and guided by the Holy Spirit, are meant to be used for the benefit of others and in sharing the gospel, evolving into spiritual gifts that we can identify, develop, and steward responsibly as per biblical teachings. Read more.
18. The Gift of Prophecy
The spiritual gift of prophecy, as highlighted in the Bible and exemplified by figures like Ellen White, is a Holy Spirit-endowed ability enabling individuals to receive and share divine insights for the church’s strengthening, encouragement, and edification, with Adventists valuing its role in spiritual growth and discernment, especially as the Second Coming approaches. Read more.
19. The Law of God
The Law of God, or the Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20, are ancient moral directives that establish a framework for a virtuous life, delineating our relationship with God and fellow humans, serving as an expression of devotion to God and an insight into His character. Read more.
20. The Sabbath
The Sabbath, instituted by God on the seventh day of creation and enshrined in the Fourth Commandment, is a day of rest and reflection on God’s acts, foundational to the Seventh-day Adventist denomination and meant to be observed as a holy day of cessation from weekly labors. Read more.
21. Stewardship
Christian stewardship, as understood by Adventists, involves recognizing God as the creator and owner of everything while being empowered by Him to manage blessings, abilities, and resources responsibly, with guidance from the Bible on effective and grateful stewardship. Read more.
22. Christian Behaviour
Adventists believe that living with respect and compassion, reflecting Jesus’ love through our actions, and following biblical guidance on behavior and character exemplify a commitment to God and demonstrate a transformation from self-focused to Christlike living. Read more.
23. Marriage and the Family
Seventh-day Adventist Christians value strong, biblically-guided marriages and families as essential to thriving churches and communities, acknowledging God’s design for relational living and the foundational role of healthy relationships in society. Read more.
24. Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
Seventh-day Adventists view the ancient biblical sanctuary and its services as symbolic of Christ’s salvific work, with its earthly construction and ceremonies reflecting Jesus’ heavenly ministry and preparation for humanity’s eternal home. Read more.
25. The Second Coming of Christ
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, a foundational hope for Seventh-day Adventists, is a literal, personal, and global event marking the fulfillment of salvation’s plan, where Christ will resurrect and gather His followers, and sin and Satan will be definitively vanquished. Read more.
26. Death and Resurrection
Seventh-day Adventists rely on biblical teachings to understand death and the afterlife, offering insights into the nature of death, its existence, the resurrections at Jesus’ Second Coming, and their place in humanity’s overarching narrative. Read more.
27. The Millennium and the End of Sin
The Millennium, as described in Revelation 20, is a 1000-year period post-Christ’s Second Coming where believers reign with Him in heaven, during which sin and Satan are ultimately eradicated, and Earth is renewed, addressing the fate of all creation in God’s plan. Read more.
28. The New Earth
After Jesus’ Second Coming, believers will spend 1000 years in heaven, followed by the creation of a new Earth, where evil, sin, and death are eradicated, fulfilling God’s original plan for an eternal, sinless home for humanity. Read more.

Embrace the Promise of the New Earth Life in Perfect Harmony with God
Imagine stepping into the New Earth, a place of unimaginable beauty and peace, where God Himself dwells among us, erasing every tear, sorrow, and pain.
Here, in this sinless new world, righteousness fills every corner, and life eternal blossoms in joy, love, and endless discovery.
Envision an eternity where each day is an opportunity to grow, explore, and deepen your understanding and love for the Creator, all while joining in a celestial chorus of praise that resonates through this perfect existence. [Revelation 21:3-5]