SCMM conducts the First ADMM Certification

Given the diversity of families in our congregations—married, single, divorced, widowed, never married, older, younger, with children, without children, disabled, neurodivergent, and more—there is a high probability for tension, discontentment, apathy, and alienation.

In response, the Family Ministries department of South Central Mindanao Mission (SCMM), led by its Director, Ma’am Gina Miado, who’s holding a multi-department function including the Ministerial Spouses Association, in cooperation of mission administrators and the Ministerial Association, successfully conducted the First Adventist Men’s Ministries Certification (Module 1) at Matalam Central Church on July 6.

Its organization has the vision of “assembling men of SCMM to become men of God, inspiring men to make lifelong commitments to Jesus Christ, their families, and each other.” Its mission is simple yet of solemn importance, having “men teaching other men to live according to the principle that “a man’s man is a godly man. “”

With the theme “Lead and Go Like Jesus,” Ma’am Gina started the program by giving essence to the topic of “Introduction to ADMMs,” highlighting the role of Adventist men in our society. Pr. Rodel Siaotong, as Ministerial Secretary, discussed the topic of “Biblical Principles of Manhood,” citing examples from the male personalities in the Bible.

The topic “Challenges of Men,” as delivered by Pr. Edwilie Seliote, Executive Secretary, integrated the pros and cons of living and the mission of each male ambassador of Jesus to carry His light.

Elder Welnie Q. Miado, President, during the Hour of Worship sermon emphasized that “Jesus is the Man’s Man,” being “the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). Therefore, Adventist men should always set their eyes on Him.

Sir Nilo Cabatingan, Treasurer, during the commitment ceremony, talked about “A Call to Men’s Ministry” and reminded each of the administrators, directors, field workers, and male leaders in the church and family to heed the challenges and lead the rally for heaven.

“God wants everyone to walk in the light he has given. If men do not take heed to the warning, seeds will be sown that will create disaffection and uneasiness. This influence will strengthen. No one can tell how it came; but it did come, and has entered the hearts of those who ought to be, after the light that has been given, sincere and as true as steel to principle.” Ellen G. White Pamphlets: “To The Leading Men of our Churches” 162.3.1

Let’s all raise our supplications to God for more dedication to strengthening relationships and empowering ministry leaders and churches in their work with families. Our unity in Spirit will provide tools to help individuals communicate more effectively, deepen commitment in marriage, and assist in becoming better parents and role models. Your prayers and cooperation will help families grow in love and live in harmony as the family of God. (SCMM Family Ministries/MSA)

Photo Credits: SCMM Family Ministries Department

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