TEAM LAAG Brings Healing to Trento, Agusan del Sur

Many accounts in the Bible tell about Jesus’ healing ministry, and His followers today, in this deteriorating world, continue to administer to the sick and comfort the needy. Thus, TEAM LAAG came forth. The acronym meant “to wander or to stroll.” Still, the group moved from one place to another almost every Sunday to make it happen– “The Effort and Mastery of Living an Advocacy of Generosity,” the group’s real name and mission.

Its members work from various institutions, either government-owned hospitals, private health service providers, or anybody who has the passion and time to contribute to this admirable health ministry.

This diverse group of Adventist professionals, including doctors, dentists, optometrists, nurses, midwives, and volunteers from the Davao region, collectively provide free medical, dental, and optical services to selected communities. On August 18, they offered a range of services, including medical consultations, minor surgeries, circumcisions, tooth extractions, eye check-ups with free reading glasses, and free medicines to the residents of Kapatungan, Trento, Agusan del Sur, and the surrounding barangays served by the 19 Adventist churches in the district.

The most prolific Adventist writer, Ellen G. White, wrote in the book The Desire of Ages, page 823: “Christ feels the woes of every sufferer. When evil spirits rend a human frame, Christ feels the curse. When fever is burning up the life current, He feels the agony. And He is just as willing to heal the sick now as when He was personally on earth. Christ’s servants are His representatives, the channels for His working. He desires through them to exercise His healing power.”

On behalf of the people of Kapatungan and the entire municipality of Trento, the brethren from the established 19 churches, the Southeastern Caraga Mission family, and the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) would like to express our most profound gratitude to TEAM LAAG headed by their team leader, Dr. Flordeliz Magdayao, DMD, and her teammates possessing the heart overflowing with generosity: Dr. Aldin Piamonte M.D.; Dr. Ethel Quipanes, MD; Dr. Albert Cabrera, DMD; Dr. Mina Joy Panuda, DMD; Dr. Joralden delos Santos, DMD; Dr. Marilou Mesmis, O.D.; Dr. Jake Colita, O.D.; Dr. Evangeline Boco, O.D.; Ms. Syvel Morales, RN; Ms. Mary Ann Rańola; Mr. Samuel Morales; Mr. Marvin B. Nebrea; Ms. Violeta F. Nebrea; Ms. Rachell Baluis; Ms. Jasmine Andoy; Mr. Elijah James Calatrava; Ms. Dinah delos Santos; Mr. Jay R Tupos; Ms. Rosalinda Taban-og; Ms. Glendell Edillor; Mr. Clyde Calatrava; Ms. Amy Calatrava; Ms. Arrianna Quipanes; Ms. Gazelle Quipanes; Ms.Abegail Calatrava and Ms. Recca Peralta.

They work and pray for others, especially for the sick and needy. Let us also pray for them who fervently show their love through acts of service, bringing back all the glory to the Great Physician, who offers” sozo,” the Greek word for” save,” “heal,” or “deliver,” which appears 110 times in the New Testament.

Though the New Testament era has long passed, the healing ministry of Jesus lives on through the dedicated work of the remnant people of God. They continue to uphold the commission outlined in 1 Peter 4:10, which encourages individuals to use their unique gifts to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms.

Thank you, Team Laag! (SEPUM Communication)
Photos:Dan Florante V. Callo

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