92 SePUM-based Delegates Attend the 27th AIIAS Annual Theological Forum

The Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS), located in Lalaan 1, Silang, Cavite, hosted the 27th Annual Theological Forum from November 14 to 16, welcoming 92 delegates from the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM). This year’s theme was “Adventist Identity: Fulfilling God’s Mission,” explored through biblical, historical, theological, missiological, practical, and related perspectives.
Pr Reynald Dela Cruz, SePUM Ministerial Secretary, led the delegation along with Pr. Raul Emnace, Sabbath School / Personal Ministry Director, Pr. Victor Navarro, Health Ministries Director, and Elder Esmiraldo Cantila, Jr., Associate Treasurer. Southern Mindanao Mission (SMM) sent 26 participants, while Davao Mission (DM) had 20, South Central Mindanao Mission (20), Northern Davao Mission (13), and Southeastern Caraga Mission had 9.
The impressive postgraduate facility, established in 1986, offers an annual forum for pastors, theologians, elders, and anyone interested in theology. This unique program inspires the deleted to exchange their ideas and experiences, find an avenue to make friends and develop cooperation.
Resource speakers were Dr. Jiri Moskala, Dean of Andrews Theological Seminary; Dr. John Reeves, Director of PhD/ThD programs at Andrews Theological Seminary; and Dr. Denis Kaiser, Professor of Adventist History at the same seminary, which was established in 1936 and later became a part of Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA.
The trio was joined by Dr Frank Hazel and Dr. Clinton Wahlen, Associate Directors of the Biblical Research Institute, established by the General Conference in 1975. Dr. David Trim, PhD, General Conference Archives and Statistics Department Director, joined the experts.
This article wishes to thank AIIAS for training Bible teachers in the basics and the deeper meaning of the fundamental beliefs of the church, a theological training ground offering Doctor of Philosophy in Religion, Doctor of Ministry, Doctor of Ministry in-Ministry Modality, Doctor of Missiology and many other courses to enhance applied theology-historical courses, biblical studies, business learning, education proficiency, public health advancement and many more.
In Romans 15:4, Paul emphasizes the need to study the word of God by heart and with the Spirit, reminding us: “Whatsoever things were written before time were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.”
Through Mrs. Ellen G. White, the Spirit of Prophecy did not claim teachings dissimilar from the Bible. Hence, she said, “There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than a study of the Bible. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God’s Word were studied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, that is rarely seen in these times.” (The Signs of the Times, June 25, 1902).