The Seventh-day Adventist Church headquarters in the Southeastern Philippines.
Free Bible Study
Embark on a transformative journey through the timeless wisdom of the Bible. Our free Bible study program offers a unique opportunity to explore, understand, and apply the teachings of the Word in a welcoming, engaging environment. Whether you’re a seeker, a new believer, or a seasoned disciple, this program is tailored to foster growth, insight, and a deeper connection with your faith.
SePUM starts the Year with Ten Days of Prayer Initiative
To set intentions, seek strength and guidance, and embrace gratitude, the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission
Frequently Asked Questions
Seventh Day Adventist Church, its beliefs, practices, and community activities. It’s designed to offer quick insights for newcomers and members alike, enhancing understanding and fostering connection with the church.
God, the eternal Father, is the Creator, Originator, Upholder, and Ruler of all creation. He embodies justice and holiness, while also being merciful and gracious. His patience is boundless, and His love and faithfulness know no end.
As December 25th rings in as the global celebration of Jesus’ birth, a closer examination suggests this date might not align with historical accuracy. Although the Bible provides scant details regarding the precise moment of Jesus’ birth, piecing together historical and Biblical evidence unveils a more nuanced understanding of when this momentous event likely occurred.
The Holy Scriptures, comprising both the Old and New Testaments, stand as the written Word of God, imparted through divine inspiration. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the inspired authors conveyed God’s message with unwavering clarity and purpose. Within these sacred texts, humanity finds the wisdom essential for salvation. The Holy Scriptures reign supreme as the ultimate authority, offering an infallible revelation of God’s divine will.
Within the pages of the Bible, love is personified as none other than God Himself. Every word spoken, every thought conceived, and every emotion felt by God reflects the essence of love. As we extend love towards one another, we are merely embracing our true identity, crafted by the very hand of God.
Contrary to popular belief, the Bible depicts hell not as an eternal inferno but as a consuming fire that brings about complete annihilation and death. Rather than a perpetual burning, hell is portrayed as a transformative event—an eradication of sin culminating in the symbolic “lake of fire” described in Revelation 20. In this fiery purification, all remnants of sin, along with anything or anyone clinging to it, are ultimately obliterated.
Feeling daunted by the prospect of diving into the depths of the Bible? Fear not! We’ve curated a collection of straightforward tips and tricks to elevate your Bible study journey. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned reader, these simple strategies will help you navigate the pages of scripture with confidence and clarity.
The term “end times” alludes to the era preceding the second coming of Jesus, signaling the culmination of this sinful world and the dawn of a new earth. While the Bible offers insights into recognizing the signs of these imminent times and their implications for our daily lives, there’s no need for fear. Instead, God encourages us to stay informed and prepared, placing our trust in Him as we journey forward.
According to the teachings of the Bible, the presence of evil and suffering in our world is attributed to the concept of sin—a rebellion against God’s intended plan by beings endowed with free will. While Christianity emphasizes God’s boundless love, it also underscores His unwavering commitment to justice and absolute righteousness. This duality within God’s character sheds light on the complexities of the human experience and serves as a cornerstone of faith for believers worldwide.
At the apex of the enduring battle between God and Satan lies the final judgment—a pivotal moment signifying the ultimate victory of God’s righteousness. Following this decisive judgment, the scourge of sin will be eradicated, paving the way for a harmonious existence across all creation. This anticipated resolution brings an end to discord and ushers in an era of unblemished unity, marking the culmination of divine triumph over darkness.
The Bible is not just a collection of human opinions, it is the word of God spoken through human beings. It provides us with practical advice on how we should live and reveals the lifestyle that God knows is best for us. There are non-bilbical sources that confirm the truth of scripture, and prophecy fulfilled. Further evidence comes from human experience, to see the effects of the Bible’s message in the lives of others.
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