Called, Dedicated, and Ready to Go as Witnesses

March 9, 2024, marks a historical landmark for a newly discovered territory in the Lord’s vineyard in a Praise and Dedication Program led by Pastor Saw Samuel, Associate Secretary of the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventists, and other guests to consecrate all administrators, directors, field workers, and staff from 3 old missions, two newly-established mission headquarters and two institutions under Pastor Danielo Palomares, Pastor Edwin Magdadaro and Mr. Lawrence Lamera, Southeastern Philippines Union Mission (SePUM) President, Executive Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.

From a historian’s viewpoint, Elder Roger Caderma, President of the Southern Asia Pacific Division (SSD), echoed his Sabbath School message, reminding us how Robert Caldwell accepted the challenges to bring the Adventist message to the Philippines in 1915 and the subsequent efforts of J. L. McElhany, L. V. Finster, and other pioneers who continued the groundwork until it flourished vastly today.

“The main reason for this gathering is to ask the Lord’s blessings, to thank Him for the directions and growth He gave. Let us, therefore, pray to expand our territories to hasten His work.”, said Elder Caderma.

Like a fruitful tree, we are blessed that the first mission-turned-conference in Mindanao, the Western Mindanao Conference, gave birth to the Zamboanga Peninsula Mission in 2004 to give ample evangelism focus to Muslim-inhabited island territories of Mindanao. Northern Mindanao Conference became the North Central Mindanao Conference after her expanded territory of the Central Mindanao Mission was established in 2019. Davao Mission also gave birth to the Northern Davao Mission in 2021.

Guided by the Heavenly Compass, God’s messengers in the Southern Philippines, after finding their True North, continued exploring places until they discovered new territories with people possessing the Spirit and thrust of Silas, Barnabas, and Timothy, willing to reach the unreached.

Pastor Saw Samuel, Associate Secretary of the General Conference, the worldwide headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (GC), as the Hour of Worship Speaker, stressed that Adventism gained tremendous growth in the SSD as the result of the Total Member Involvement (TMI) Initiative, and spiritual enrichment. The territorial realignment was needed after it had spread results, like the churches from Jerusalem to Samaria and Judea and everywhere where someone dared to preach. (Acts 13:1-5)

The territorial realignment of the South Philippine Union Conference into two divided territories in 2023, the Southwestern Philippine Union Conference (SWPUC) with three missions: Zamboanga Peninsula Mission (ZPM), Northeastern Mindanao Mission (NEMM) and Central Mindanao Mission (CMM) and two conferences; Western Mindanao Conference (WMC) and North Central Mindanao Conference (NCMC).

The new territory is the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) with three old missions: Davao Mission (DM), Northern Davao Mission (NDM), Southern Mindanao Mission(SMM), and the newly established South Central Mindanao Mission (SCMM) and the Southeastern Caraga Mission (SCM). Alongside this vast mission to seek precious souls and help them find their true north are two institutions: South Philippine Adventist College (SPAC) and the 75-bed Adventist Hospital Davao (AHD).

Pr. Samuel reiterated that the recent separations and clustering should not ignite competition and comparison but encourage collaboration and integration of God’s people to propel God’s work because we believe in the need for urgency with only the persuasive power of the Holy Spirit to cover us against the aggressive and threatening powers of this world.

Before the Dedication Litany led by Pr. Mamerto Guingguing II, SSD Associate Secretary, the fatherly Pastor Samuel reminded everyone about the roles of pastors as shepherds and role models along with their spouses and children and altogether the administrators, directors, field workers and staff of 5 missions, one union headquarter and two institutions, they raised their open palms and sincerely uttered in unison these inspiring phrases: “Praise be to our great God. You have miraculously provided Your Church over these years, thus forming the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission; the new territorial setup will bring tremendous success to the Lord’s Commission in the southeastern Philippines. Thousands will come into Your fold and experience You and Your gift of salvation. Fill us, our God the Holy Spirit, bear in us your fruit, Your power, and Your passion. Let our positions bring us deep into your presence in total submission, surrender, and humility. AMEN!

The Sabbath Worship flowed flawlessly with melodies of heaven reverberating all over the conducive venue with the instruments and songs from Advent Chorale; Adams Choir, CENDAYO Choir, Joyful Strummers, Prima Deo, Una Voce, Tagum South Central Church Choir and ensemble, under the baton of Pr. Jaffet Legario.

Our immeasurable gratitude also goes to our SePUM administrators: Pr Danielo Palomares, Pr Edwin Magdadaro, Elder Lawrence Lamera, and all SePUM Directors and staff for their hands-on supervision and support during the preparation and execution of this unique and inspiring program.

After the Dedicatory Prayer, the orchestra and mass choir, led by a young soloist, Sam Sheera Tan, offered a soul–stirring rendition of the song, “One Faith, One Hope, One Lord.” The song’s lyrics inspire thoughts about our faith as God’s remnant church.

The congregation is blessed to have Pr. Jacinto Adap, SSD Treasurer, reminded every believer that the secret of abundance comes from faithful stewardship. Correspondingly, Pastor Joel Sarmiento, President of Hope Channel Philippines, prayed to close the Sabbath School program.

The jubilant mood of every churchgoer continued to emit joy and Christian brotherhood during the pictorial sessions and post-worship conversations, scenarios of a rehearsal of the heavenly reunion with Jesus happening soon after we patiently labored for the mission to seek every truth-thirsty people and search for unreached territories by claiming the power of the Holy Spirit so our labors would not be in vain.

Today, Let us all take the example of one responsible missionary: “The Apostle Paul went from place to place, preaching the truth to those in the darkness of error. He labored for a year and six months at Corinth and proved the Divine character of his mission by raising up a flourishing church composed of Jews and Gentiles. Christ never confined His labors to one place. The towns and cities of Palestine resounded with the truths that fell from His lips. Ellen G. White (7T p. 268

Such a mission is not for Paul alone but “upon all who believe God has the burden of raising churches.” (Medical Ministry p. 315)

Finally, let us cling to the promise of the Greatest Teacher who called us to fulfill the mission:” And ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” ACTS 1:8

We will Go: Be His Witnesses!

(SePUM Communication)

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