Davao Mission Trains Youth Leaders and Officers for F-Camp

Two hundred fifty-five youth leaders from 50 districts of Davao Mission of the Seventh-day Adventists (DM) gathered at Davao City SDA Elementary School Gymnasium, along Olive Road, Davao City, on May 23-24 for the Staff Orientation on the DM-wide Friendship Camp (F-Camp) scheduled to take place this year on June 23-29 at various campsites in the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission territory.
Adventist Youths from the seven clustered districts of the mission territory comprise churches from Davao City, Digos City, the provinces of Davao del Sur and Davao Occidental, including the Island Garden City of Samal, which is geographically a part of Davao del Norte province. Some attached churches are also part of the Bukidnon, SOCKSARGEN, and Cotabato provinces.
F-Camp is an evangelism camping activity that requires the participation of six units per district. Each unit consists of four Adventist youths and eight invited friends. The camp will include devotionals, plenary sessions for spiritual enrichment, various activities, small groups, and breakout sessions aimed at inspiring participants to grow closer to Jesus.
“We will carry out this activity simultaneously across the entire territory with a uniform program format,” emphasized Pr. Irnie Hemoroz, DM Youth Director.
Hemoroz revealed that eight resource speakers are coming to share techniques and formats for conducting F-camp. The goal was to make the camp impressive and memorable and, most importantly, to spiritually equip our youth to be more aggressive and willing to share the good news of salvation with their peers in their community.
“Our young people are now ready to work. They require our guidance to improve their skills,” added Pastor Hemoroz.
“Sister Geralyn Fiel from Malita Central District of Davao Occidental enthusiastically shared, “We will gather the young people in our district to plan this activity and share with them what we have learned here.”
She added, “Undoubtedly, many temptations challenge our youth today, drawing them towards worldly affairs and pleasures. All we need is to motivate and inspire each other, and we hope that the adult members of our church will support us, as our church activities will lack vibrancy and variety without our young people.”
Brothers Epifanio Deiparine Jr. from Zamboanga, Warin Cabatuan from Davao Oriental, and Reynald John Palma from Surigao, who are students from churches outside the scope of DM, expressed their desire to join the forthcoming F-camp. They recently attended the orientation. “It is an opportunity for us as students of Davao City, yet members from churches outside DM, to learn more about F-camp and help our youth in our districts.”
Ellen G. White, as church pioneer and writer of books inspiring our youth among other members of the church, wrote in Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers pp 32. “We have an army of youth today who can do much if they are properly directed and encouraged… We want them to act a part in well-organized plans for helping other youth.”
Because of this amazing inspiration, we are praying and hoping for solidified youth and adults to gather their counterparts and friends from their neighborhoods to choose the right path toward Jesus. (SePUM Communication)
Photos and original Cebuan article by DM Communication/Seth delos Reyes)