“Hope For The Family” Adds 256 to Church Membership in Northern Davao

The South Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) Communication Department, led by director Rhoen Shane Peralta Catolico, organized the “Hope for the Family” evangelistic series in Barangay Balagonan at Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte, from May 12 to 18.
Two hundred fifty-six individuals were baptized during the event, reaffirming the belief in the family as the central core of holistic development.
“We cannot find a perfect husband or wife on this earth. We will always fail if we insist on having a perfect mother and father, and we could never offer ourselves as perfect sons, daughters, siblings, kin, or friends to anybody in this imperfect world. But there is always hope to be perfect through Jesus,” emphasized Sir Rhoen during the nightly lectures.
The success of the ‘Hope for the Family’ series was a testament to the collective effort of lay workers Jastin Cano, Ivan Uyangorin, Nelson Heynara, Edsil Podunas, and Roberto Pedregosa, Jr., and the guidance of God’s designated shepherds in the districts, Pr. Jedie Niepes Punay, Pr. Levi Agad Caresosa and Pr. Levi Agad Caresosa and Pr. Lester De Asis and their wives. Their initiatives and leadership from the start until the end of the series were invaluable, serving as a powerful manifestation of unity in the Lord’s work.
Catolico is grateful for the undying support of the SePUM family, Northern Davao Mission (NDM) administrators, and Pr. EM Vladimir Arellano Undalok, NDM Communication Director, Davao Mission (DM), Mission Foods, and numerous supportive and generous families, the goal of inspiring families to be closely connected with God will continue to spread to more areas.
The nightly series serves as a constant reminder that neither wealth nor education level can bring happiness to a family. Instead, by following God’s guidance and practicing His love, kindness, and patience, families can thrive and experience perfect peace.
Mrs.Ellen G. White, who wrote many books about families and home, once wrote, “One well-ordered, well-disciplined family tells more in behalf of Christianity than all the sermons that can be preached.” The Review and Herald, June 6, 1899. (SePUM Communication)
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