NDM Supports Publishing Ministry to Boom

The Northern Davao Mission (NDM) made a significant stride in supporting the publishing ministry by dedicating and blessing eight vehicles on May 2. These vehicles, provided through a loan assistance program, have directly bolstered the book caravan campaigns of Area Publishing Ministry Leaders (APML) and literature evangelists. This initiative, aimed at enhancing the outreach efforts of these frontline workers, has proven to be a game-changer in the profession, which is regarded as ‘second to none ‘.
Publishing Director Pr. Danny Inato of the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) emphasized the crucial role of the book ministry. “Literature evangelism is a significant aspect of sharing the gospel with others. The written word can inspire, educate, and transform lives. It is a powerful tool for evangelism that can reach people who might not be open to other forms of outreach.”
Pastor Seth Suan, NDM President, along with all the administrators, directors, and workers in the field, recognized the transportation needs of the literature missionaries, especially during their sales caravan, outreach programs, and church visitations. This led to the development of a commendable strategy.
Pastor Jimuel B. Verba, NDM Publishing Director, revealed that soon after the vehicles were released to the APMLs, one group organized a sales caravan for a day and received more than a million book orders, which made them feel blessed and delighted.
The books will allow many people to learn about God’s plan of salvation and eventually follow God’s will. Like vehicles given by God to His mission and His followers in the large vineyard, these books will help speed up His work and bring more souls to Jesus.
“A sermon may be preached and soon forgotten, but a book remains.” Ellen G. White wrote on her book, Life Sketches, page 382 and it tells many reasons to thank God for this ministry. (SePUM Communication)
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