Pastor Dan Smith’s “The SEARCH 2024” Evangelistic Series All Set at Panabo Mega Adventist Church

In preparation for the “The Search 2024” Evangelistic Series of Quiet Hour Ministries of Pastor Dan Smith at Panabo Mega Church of the Seventh-day Adventists on June 30 -July 6, the integrated media partnership conducted a Live! Broadcast Orientation and Southeastern Philippines Union Mission (SePUM) Adventist Media, with Hope Channel Northern Davao – HCND team, coordinators, and HOPE Channel Davao merge resources and minds to ensure technical and physical readiness of the worldwide telecast of the week-long program.
Pastor Daniel Smith is an internationally renowned preacher from the Quiet Hour Ministries. He retired in 2019 from the Garden Grove SDA Church after 45 years as a pastor in Oregon, Illinois, and California. Pastor Dan grew up in Thailand, was the son of missionaries, went to high school in Singapore, and attended Pacific Union College in California. He finished seminary with M.Div. and D.Min. degrees. In 1995, he began to add speaking overseas and mission trips to his ministry, and he has taken thousands on trips, mostly in Southeast Asia–Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, and India.
As an integral part of the preparation, Sir Rhoen Shane Peralta Catolico, SePUM Communication Director, presided over the orientation and media teams meeting to discuss the world-renowned Adventist preacher’s highly anticipated nightly gospel series. He enumerated the needs of an impressive production that will be broadcast Live on Gsat37, SatLite103, PanaboCable75/147, Trinity57, BansalanCable55, and all AWR and HopeRadio stations within the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission territory!
Ma’am Ivan Mae Flores, secretary for communication and youth departments of SePUM and the program producer of Let’s Pray Pilipinas! oriented the group about the importance of time management to avoid delays and dead air, well-prepared program flow and scripts, blocking, prerecorded video clips, fillers, video promotions, proper pulpit decorum and apparel, and the need for bubbly yet appropriately expressive hosts and quiz master along with other useful elements for live productions.
Sir Bjezrel Labajo, Production Head of Hope Channel Davao, tackled technical issues such as the producers, directors, program coordinators, camera operators, gaffer, video editors, sound engineers, audio technicians, copyright infringement on music materials used, and many other aspects to keep an eye on for a memorable and creative evangelistic broadcast.
With the dynamic leadership of NDM’s Communication Director, Pastor EM Vladimir Arellano Undalok, and Pr Baby Larry Labang, Field Secretary/NDR -IEL Director, as event committee chairperson, the unified NDM believers from 3 provinces and their church/district pastors led by NDM President Seth Suan and fellow administrators. Thee entire “The Search 2024” will be rewarding with huge fruitful returns.
We need every detail to be organized because King Solomon, with his wisdom and ingenuity, wanted the temple he built and everything he did to be remarkably detailed, including the architectural features, furnishings, decorative motifs, and even the celebrations during its inauguration and dedication.
Mrs. Ellen G. White, a writer whose visions and scribbled notes turned into renowned books, inspired this remnant church accurately, and she once wrote: “God is a God of order. Everything connected with heaven is in perfect order; subjection and thorough discipline mark the movements of the angelic host. Success can only attend order and harmonious action. God requires order and system in His work now, no less than in the days of Israel. All who are working for Him are to labor intelligently, not in a careless, haphazard manner. He would have His work done with faith and exactness, that He may place the seal of His approval upon it.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 376 (1890).
See you in Panabo Mega Adventist Church or on your screens from June 30 to July 6. Let’s listen to God’s mouthpiece, Pastor Dan Smith, with Glanzen Singers and numerous spirit-driven singers! We thank you for earnestly praying for its beautiful results! (SePUM Communication)
Photo credits: DFVCallo