Senators Bato dela Rosa and Imee Marcos Grace Congress Opening Program

Attended by more than 30,000 delegates and growing, the SSD-wide Congress at Mountain View College is tagged as “Jesus is Coming, Get Involved!” Senators Maria Imelda Josefa Remedios “Imee” Marcos and Ronald Marapon “Bato” dela Rosa served as inspirational speakers along with other Local Government Unit dignitaries to inspire delegates, participants, and guests from eight countries around the Southern Asia-Pacific region.
Providing warm words of welcome were Pr. Jerry Patalinghug and Pr. Danielo Palomares, Presidents of the Southwestern Philippine Union Conference (SWPUC) and Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM), respectively. Also, with amiable words for everyone from Dr. Chona A. Ramos, Vice President for Academic Affairs of Mountain View College (MVC), the host institution. Motherly as she is, Mayor Azucena Panes Huervas warmly welcomed everyone to the host multi-awarded Valencia City, the local government unit that supported massive congress preparations – heavy equipment, aggregates, and security, among others.
Brother Roque Rios Jr., an aspiring Adventist lawyer, church elder of Upper Lilingayon Adventist Church, and Administrative Assistant of the local chief executive of Valencia, read the message of Hon. Mayor Azucena Panes Huervas, whose support for this gathering, with logistics, technical assistance security and even the needed aggregates and equipment.
Senator Dela Rosa expressed: “I appreciate the Seventh-day Adventist Church for its advocacy of a healthy lifestyle, promoting not only physical and mental health, but also spiritual well-being. I strongly oppose divorce because of the detrimental effects on children when family bonds are broken. I seek your support in strengthening families. It’s important not to overly pamper your children; they need discipline to become responsible citizens of our country.”
As non-smoking citizens of the world, the senator advocating against drugs urged our church to continue supporting the government’s efforts to educate the public about the dangers of drugs and vices.
As a historical highlight, Senator Imee Marcos landed on the campus through a helicopter. She delivered a stirring and timely message. “Your work has been the best collaboration the government has had. From a simple beginning after a missionary brought Adventism to the Philippines, it became the fastest growing Protestant denomination in the entire archipelago today.” She hailed the church for bringing its ten Adventist hospitals to a higher level of health promotion in the country and “you are indeed our supportive partner in public health services, and we thank you deeply.”
The Philippine President’s sister made a sincere request: “I humbly ask that you pray too for me so that, together with you, we shall be used for His purpose and for His will in the coming days.” A thunderous “AMEN” reverberated within the fan-shaped worship hall.
As spiritually uplifting for everyone present, Pr. Mamerto Guinguing II introduced God’s mouthpiece for the day, Pr. Roger Caderma, President of all Adventists in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. He brought to the fore the theme: “Jesus is Coming, Get Involved” and the many ways to share the mission and the words reaching like hundreds of batteries installed within the hearts and minds of its hearers.
Music as the language of the soul was presented like melodies of heaven, provided by Central Bukidnon Institute Ensemble, Alauda Arvensis, Sons and Daughters, Advent Philomels, and Asidors Singers. The opening event was hosted by Pr Heshbon Buscato, SSD Communication Director, and Sis Alexania Eleia Pido, a student of MVC.
Ellen G. White, the Adventist writer whose books continue to inspire, reminded, “We are to be channels through which the Lord can send light and grace to the world…. The entire church, acting as one, blending in perfect union, is to be a living, active missionary agency, moved and controlled by the Holy Spirit.” Testimonies for the Church 8:46, 47. (SePUM Communication)