SePUM and AHD Love: Spiritual Food and Sumptuous Meal for Davao Regional Crime Lab Men

Ministers from the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) visited the Regional Forensic Unit – 11 of the Philippine National Police at Ecoland, Davao City to share beautiful insights and sumptuous meal during Squad Weekly Interactive Meeting (SWIM) on April 24 as a part of PNP KASIMBAYANAN (“Kapulisan, Simbahan at Pamayanan”) moral recovery program, through lectures, interactions and a fellowship on early dinner.
Pastor Reynald Dela Cruz, Ph.D., Ministerial Secretary of SePUM, shared a message about the positive attitude towards work, dedication, and loyalty to the people we serve, the organization, and the God who commissioned police officers to this field of service. He used the story of Hachiko, the dog in Japan who patiently waited for his master at the train station every day and failed to come home one day after the professor’s death at the university. But the earnest dog waited for his master for years amidst heat, hunger, and cold.
The active office members under Regional Chief PCol Virginia S. Gucor and Assistant Regional Chief PLt Col Herman A. Pansoy gladly listened and answered several trivia questions in exchange for the soul-enriching book Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White.
Pastor Jimmy Sabandal, Chaplain of Adventist Hospital Davao, as a part of a team of spiritual leaders serving as “spiritual coaches” of police officers in this region, initiated the activity and shared his lecture on Acts 10, and served meals for the amiable individuals of the crime laboratory who attentively and actively participated the event.
Purposedly, it will strengthen the moral resources of the Filipino people rooted in the Filipino culture, values, and ideals that are Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao, Maka-Bayan and Maka-Kalikasan and will pursue a vision of a Filipino nation that is God-centered, people empowered, prosperous national community living in unity, justice, freedom, love and peace and governed by a visionary government that is democratic, responsive and effective with a community of civil and military servants who are professional, competent, disciplined and trustworthy.
Margaret Chase Smith, a former member of the US Senate, once wrote: “Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and the nation.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 also shows the way how to do our job the best way: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (SePUM Communication)