SePUM Sends Evangelists to Hope for West Java

With the Philippines now having a pivotal role as a sending-missionary country in the church’s mission, the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) has made a significant contribution. SePUM sent three representatives to the Hope for West Java 2024 (HFWJ2024) in Bandung, Indonesia, marking a new chapter in the church’s global outreach, and joined ten others to complete the HFWJ2024 Team.
The SePUM representation included Elder Rhoen P. Catolico, the Communication/Media/PARL director; Pr. Reynaldo L. Merin, president of Davao Mission; and Pr. Joel Quipanes, the NDR-IEL coordinator of Davao Mission.
For these three evangelists, this was not just another assignment—it was a calling to make a difference in a region hungry for the good news of Christ. The event, which ran from September 22 to 28, touched the lives of precious individuals who accepted the Bible truth in West Java, bringing the local community together in a spirit of unity and faith. The trio traveled to Bandung to join a larger network of pastors and missionaries who shared the Adventist message of hope and transformation with the people of West Java.
Elder Catolico held his series at the Saptamarga Adventist Church, while Pr. Reynaldo Merin, who came with his wife, Emelyn, was assigned to the Parongpong Adventist Church. Meanwhile, Pr. Joel Quipanes, who also came with his wife, Rosalyn, held the series with a resort-setting venue in the Buktos Kanya’ah area.
The SePUM team joined other evangelists led by the Southern Asia-Pacific Division president, Pr. Roger Caderma, with his wife, Danita; Pr. Roseller Zamora of AWR Asia/Pacific Region headquarters; Pr. Elexiz Mercado of AWR Center for Digital Evangelism. Completing the team was Pr. Norberto Pamiza of CPUC, Pr. Lemmuel Lauron of Hope Channel Visayas in Cebu, Pr. Joy Cantela of Negros Occidental Conference in Bacolod, Pr. Randy Gagarin and Pr. Edgardo Bala of Mindoro Island Mission. Two AWR CDE Missionaries– Nathan Lausberg and Sam Andre Pagao- were on the team.
The HFWJ2024 resulted in 121 precious individuals accepting the Bible truth amidst diverse cultural and language barriers. However, the transforming power of the Holy Spirit broke down these challenges and claimed victory in Jesus from the six-night lectures and presentations.
Pr. Sonny Situmorang, the Communication/PARL/Media/AWR director of the Adventist Church in West Indonesia (WIUM), organized the evangelism event. He was hands-on in the team’s day-to-day activities and extended his time by doing Bahasa interpretation during the series. He and office assistant, Ivetta Inaray, saw to it that the HFWJ2024 would indeed become a blessing to the church and the community.
West Java Conference of Seventh-day Adventists had 46 churches and 9,768 members as of June 30, 2023 statistics serving a population of 24,495,408 in the municipalities of Bandung, Banjar, Cirebon, Cimahi, Kalaksanaan, and Tasikmalaya; and the regencies of Bandung, Cirebon, Ciwidey, Garut, Indramayu, Jamblang Ciamis, Kuningan, Langensari, Majalengka, Pangalengan, Pangandaran, Subang, Sumedang, Tasikmalaya, and West Bandung in West Java Province.
Mark 13:10 should be carried out with the conviction that “the gospel must first be preached to all nations.”
Mrs. Ellen G. White, one of the most diligent emissaries of the church said: “The church is to work actively as an organized body to spread abroad the influence of the cross of Christ. More territory is to be annexed; the standard of truth is to be planted in new places; churches are to be established; all is to be done that can be done to fulfill the commission, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations” (Matthew 28:19). The Signs of the Times, August 21, 1901.
The series culminated at the Universitas Advent Indonesia (UNAI) Church, where Pr. Roger Caderma constantly reminded everyone of the urgency of Jesus Christ’s mission through each one of us!
One of those baptized shared with Elder Catolico how the event had changed his life. “I came here with questions and doubts, but after hearing nightly presentations and messages, it became clear, and I knew this was the truth I had been searching for. I am leaving here a new person.”
The Hope for West Java series was more than just an evangelistic campaign—it was a reminder that God’s message transcends borders, cultures, and languages. For the SePUM team, it was a humbling and inspiring experience that will stay with them long after they return home.
“It’s incredible how connected we all are,” Catolico reflected. “We come from different parts of the territory, but the mission is the same. We are all called to bring hope to those in need!”
Meanwhile, Pr. Quipanes, on the other hand, confesses, “There were moments when I could see the unwelcoming eyes of the people in my area. That experience moved us closer to God for unconditional dependence. We realized the depth of God’s love for them, too. Those are the moments you know the Holy Spirit is working powerfully.”
As the anthem “We have this hope” was sung, praise filled the air as the evangelists bid farewell to their newfound brothers and sisters in Christ. One thing was clear—hope had genuinely come to West Java, and the impact would be felt for years to come.