The Knowledge and Gift NDM Wants to Impart

Northern Davao Mission (NDM), as the regional headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventists within Davao del Norte, Davao Oriental, and Davao de Oro, gathered all ministers and public servants at the Max Mirabueno Academy Gymnasium, Tagum City, Davao del Norte on April 6 for the first-ever MISSION-WIDE PARL-LAMP FELLOWSHIP to emphasize religious freedom as an essential part of our spiritual practice and our mission in sharing the gospel of Jesus anytime and anywhere in this world.
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty or PARL department is the arm of the church that will provide this remnant church “with visibility in the public space and to work to position the church and its services to a standing of credibility, trust, and relevance.” (The Foundations and Functions of PARL, page 7)
Mr. Rhoen Shane Catolico, Communication / PARL Director of Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) gave further emphasis that as ambassadors of Christ, we are promoting the identity, mission, and message of the church, we build a good relationship with people with influence, organizing events such as congresses, symposiums, music festivals and a lot more, publishing journals and reports and lately by using social media, television and radio broadcasts to expand our influence. This church is now present in 212 out of 235 countries, strategically positioned in 13 world divisions and four attached fields, grouped into unions, missions, and districts.
As we offer the church portfolio of services like health, education, and humanitarian services, among many others, we are commissioned good relations with government and other influential organizations and diplomatic communities because, along the way, we are conducting mediations on behalf of discriminated Adventists.
Judge Jimmy Bustillo Boco, Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Tagum City, reiterated the need for diplomacy and the League of Adventist Ministers and Public Servants (LAMPS), whose members came in full force during this fellowship, are helpful instruments in preserving and promoting religious freedom as they represent government offices, the academe, private sector, the medical workers, political world or any Adventist who has the grip of the truth and influence others. Aside from the growing number of Adventist judges and lawyers in our society, political leaders from the church supported our clamor for religious freedom.
Emphasizing the importance of PARL, Judge Boco presented the case of Adventist medical student Denmark S. Valmores, who was not allowed to be excused from his exam rescheduled on a Sabbath. Valmores’ classes and examinations were moved from the regular weekdays to Saturdays. Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memorandum dated November 15, 2010 (CHED)Memorandum was the basis of his pleading that teachers and students be excused if their activities conflict with religious obligations and be allowed to do remedial work instead.
In response, Dr. Macapado Abaton Muslim (Dr. Muslim), President of the college, instructed respondent Achacoso to enforce the 2010 CHED Memorandum. Still, despite all efforts made for exemption, no accommodation was given by either of the respondents. As a result, petitioner Valmores received a failing grade of 5 for that particular module and was considered ineligible to retake the exam.
With the help of pastors and Adventist lawyers, they raised the case to the Supreme Court. Valmores won the case because if other Adventist students chose to go to school on Sabbath, Valmores decided to honor his religious obligations, and the right to freedom of religion and belief is enshrined and protected under Article 3 Section 5 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which provides that: “No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
(Please see a separate story of this case to be republished later)
The PARL – LAMPS Fellowship continued to be beneficial and inspiring as Ma’am Ivy Mae Esteban, MPA, Assistant Provincial Director of DILG Davao de Oro and ministerial spouse of NDM Stewardship Director, interviewed four guests relative to their roles and insights as public servants and Sabbath keepers. Hon. Jessie Alcomendras, Vice Mayor of San Isidro Davao del Norte; Hon. Arthur Anib, Barangay Captain of Banlag, Monkayo, Davao de Oro; and Hon. Judith Castres, Executive Assistant II of LGU Boston, Davao Oriental, emphasized the need to be faithful regarding Sabbath observance, tithing and utilizing talents and always be trustworthy, kind and generous.
Hon. Jacinissa Cafe-Binasbas, on the other hand, is a non-Adventist municipal councilor of San Isidro, Davao del Norte, but is influenced by her Adventist husband. Wherever she went, constituents would always give her special treatment on food, drinks, and all other Adventist practices. She is a regular church-goer on Sabbath and a diligent COP-friendly giver from all their family income. As the first fruit of her first salary as a public servant, she offered a significant amount to the church.
Their testimonies befit the lines from Ellen G. White on The Youth Instructor, September 13, 1894. “Each one is a part of the great web of humanity, and each one has a far-reaching influence. We cannot fulfill the obligations that rest upon us in our strength alone. We must have divine aid in meeting our responsibilities, that our influence may gather with Christ.”
The Hour of Worship message was powerful and inspiring. Pr Danielo Palomares, president of the Southeastern Philippine Union Mission, emphasized that freedom of conscience and religious liberty are constantly threatened in this World. Again and again, there is persecution, imprisonment, and killing of people for their religious convictions. Daniel 6 describing such a situation. Daniel was filled with wisdom, insight, and knowledge; he had excellent administration and wise leadership and Intrigues of satraps happens to cause trouble like in Daniel’s time, today in governments, businesses, and in the neighborhood. We must be found innocent and righteous in every respect, even if, for many, our vulnerability is our religion. People may use our different religions to turn against us.
The prayerfulness of Daniel made a twist that we should always admire. Despite his many duties and all the stress he may have had, he made time for prayer. He was freed from the lion’s den as the beasts had mouths shut and numb like the satraps’ and the king’s. And the glory of God whom Daniel obeyed made the trembling noise.
Ensuring the safeguard of religious liberty through highlighting public affairs and other schemes, NDM through Pr. EM Vladimir Undalok, Communication /PARL Director, facilitated the election of officers with the following role players chosen for various positions: President – Hon.Jimmy Boco;
Vice President/Academe – Dr. Bernabe Basilisco; VP for Elected Officials – Hon. Lalay Espina; VP/Government Employees – Dr. Arnulfo Lantaya; VP/Men in Uniform – Col. Albert Labajo; VP/Private Sector Employees – Bro. Eljun Esdrelon; VP/ Medical Practitioners – Dr. Aldin Piamonte; Treasurer – Ivy Mae Esteban; PIO – Atty. Glendy Marie Lipayon; Secretary-General – Bro. Ishmael Villaver; Associate Secretary – CJ Delos Santos.
The Commitment Service happened with so much sense and joy of working together to advance PARL, with Pastor Palomares reheating the fire with a fiery message.
The program ended with open forum with SePUM president Pr. Danielo Palomares, NDM President Seth Suan, Judge Jimmy B. Boco, Atty. Glendy Marie Lipayon, Dr. Precy Gem Calamba, and Dr. Rocky Jay Binasbas regarding some inquiries and explanations related to legal, medical, and pastoral questions. Beautiful insights and clarifications made every faithful blest and supplemented with more understanding.
With music provided by The Master’s Symphony, D’ Messengers, DepEd Tagum Workers; Judge Boco and the Revivers’ Tone Singers; Davao Oriental Government Employees, and the PNP/BFP/BJMP Singers, everybody’s heart keeps resounding the fellowship theme song, “I Will Go.”
The Lord does not leave His people alone, even at the end of time when they have to go through “lions’ dens” and suffer the loss of religious liberty. They remain faithful in prayer and witnessing. (SePUM Communication)