Hope Channel Southern Mindanao Reinvents, Inaugurates New Studio
The productive Hope Channel Southern Mindanao (HCSM) studio in General Santos City remodeled its structure and ambiance. It was formally inaugurated on […]
92 SePUM-based Delegates Attend the 27th AIIAS Annual Theological Forum
The Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS), located in Lalaan 1, Silang, Cavite, hosted the 27th Annual Theological Forum from November […]
SePUM Workers’ Moriah Care Group Evangelism Series Wins 7 Souls
This story shows how care groups need cooperation, resources, initiative, and, most of all, prayer and time management. Mount Moriah Care Group, […]
SMM Loves and Supports Those Who are Aging Gracefully in Jesus
Two hundred eighty-five believers in their golden years attended the 2nd Mission-wide Convention of the Senior Citizens, held on November 9 at […]
SePUM Celebrates Pastors and Workers Appreciation Day
Many were surprised, coupled with some leaked information, when the Ministerial Spouses Association (MSA) and the Ministerial Department designed a program called […]
Cateel Adventists Break Ground for New Church Building for Believers and Kids on a Children’s Convention
While most people in the neighborhood roam around the graves for their holiday one weekend, Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) President Elder […]
Adventist Young Professionals from Two Unions of Mindanao, Convene
From a small group of young Adventist young professionals from the Mid-America Union Conference (MAUC) in 2019, before the dreaded pandemic, the […]
SCM Businessmen and Professionals Convene 42 Districts Via ASI Convention
Adventist-Laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI), a membership-based organization of Seventh-day Adventists, first formed its nucleus of members in 1947 and is alive […]
SePUM Hosts SunPlus Training to Enhance Financial and Administrative Excellence
The Southeastern Philippine Union Mission (SePUM) headquarters recently concluded a successful training session on SunPlus, the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s accounting software, led […]
AWR Center for Digital Evangelism Campaign Sparks Revival in the South Central Mindanao
The recently concluded “Revelation of Hope” evangelistic campaign brought a wave of spiritual revival across the South Central Mindanao Mission (SCMM), with […]
SePUM Orients New Staff and Establishes Regular In-house Training for Office Workers
As part of continuing education on many aspects and intending to provide detailed information in the Adventist workplace, Pastor Edwin Magdadaro, Executive […]
SePUM Education and Health Departments Visit Church Schools for AAA Accreditation
Why inspect and accredit our church schools? How will our learning centers operate? Who will do the accreditation process? Here’s how our […]